Avoid Advice From Anyone With a Zero Net Worth!

What made you such an expert?

How to decipher between good and bad real estate advice

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people, who don’t invest in real estate, speak negatively about investing in real estate and attempt to sway others from doing the same. This happens too often if you ask me and is sadly pathetic to be honest.

I personally do not take medical advice from my lawyer, tax advice from my doctor or car advice from my accountant. I would expect that those looking to enter the world of real estate investing take advice from well, real estate investors. Not the angry old man in the deli who never took a chance at life, not your bitter friend who still lives with his parents and not your 35-year old buddy who still doesn’t have a driver’s license.

Don’t let others hold you back from pursuing your dreams and never take advice from someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. It’s that simple.

If you ever have any questions about real estate investing, any at all, please don’t be shy. Give me a call or send me a text or email. I am always willing to chat real estate over a cold beer or strong coffee.


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